A question on the MsExchange.org forum made me thinking. Somebody wandered if it was possible to change the default of the Send Out of Office auto-replies to External Senders option which is on to off.
To change this you must change the file on the CAS server, in this case it’s the file oofoptions.aspx which can be found in the folder ClientAccess\Owa\forms.
Search for the following line:
<input type=”checkbox” id=”chkExtEnbl” class=”chk”<%=(ExternalEnabled && !ExternalBlocked) ? ” checked” : “” %»
and change it to:
<input type=”checkbox” id=”chkExtEnbl” class=”chk”<%=(ExternalEnabled && !ExternalBlocked) ? ” unchecked” : “” %»
Keep in mind that after each Rollup installation you must apply the change again because the rollup may overright the file.