In a lot of cases Exchange 2007 wil be installed in the current Exchange 2003 environment. During the setup you will have to choose the Exchange 2003 bridgehead server to use for sending mail to the other organization and the internet. After this a routing group connector will be created which will be used to transport mail.
It can happen that after the installation mail will flow only one way or it won’t flow in both directions. When you will have a look at the mail queue you can see that mails are in it.
Below a few reasons which can cause this issue and if you have an issue how to solve it.
recreate the connector
Before we can recreate the connector we will need to remove the old one. This van be done via the Powershell commands below, in this example the Routing Group Connector is called Ex072Ex03 RGC :
Remove-RoutingGroupConnector -Identity 'Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)\Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR)\Ex072Ex03'
As the command above will only delete the connector in the Exchange 2007 environment we will need to execute the remove-routinggroupconnector command again to delete it in the Exchange 2003 environment.
Remove-RoutingGroupConnector -Identity 'Ex2003 Administrative Group\Ex2003 Routing Group\Ex072Ex03 RGC'
Next we will create the new connector, this can be done via the Powershell command below:
New-RoutingGroupConnector -Name 'Interop RGC' -SourceTransportServers '' -TargetTransportServers '' -Cost 100 -Bidirectional $true -PublicFolderReferralsEnabled $true
With the command above both the routing group connector in Exchange 2007 and 2003 will be created and Public Folders can be synchronized via this connector
check the default virtual SMTP server settings
In some cases the default virtual SMTP server has been modified. This can cause some issues, check the following items:
- check if no smarthost has been defined, if this is the case then remove it and create a new connector which is used to send to the internet. If it already exists then specify the smarthost there.
- check if besides anonymous authentication integrated windows authentication is also enabled